Announcing Leapp

Announcing Leapp

Leapp version 0.2.0 has been released and is ready to help you jumpstart your cloud journey! This is the first release we’re deeming production worthy, and it was battle-tested by our team to give you the best experience. Here’s a rundown on what we’ve added, what’s coming, and what promises we’re making as releases are going forward.

A central place to work

We always struggled with cloud access management. Our goal was to forget about switch and authentication in the cloud and have a clear view of the access points across all cloud providers.

Leapp was born with the intention of centralizing all cloud access data in one single app.

Leapp remembers everything so you don't have to.

Multiple cloud and identity providers

We fully support GSuite as identity provider and AWS and Azure as a cloud service providers. Fear not if you use different ones as we plan to support more and more.

Brand new UX/UI

It all started as an internal project so we've renewed the user experience and user interface. You'll be able to better interact with your cloud access data and manage your sessions with ease.

Plain credentials support

We added AWS IAM users and roles support for people that don't use single sign-on (SSO), so you can fully experience the power of Leapp even without SSO.

SSM Agent Integration

Isn't it a pain to always keep track of your .pem files to log into your virtual machines? With Leapp you can leverage SSO and AWS SSM agent to log-in your EC2 instance.

What's next

We want to keep adding new features to Leapp. You can help us by checking our progress on our product roadmap, filing issues if you find any bug, and suggesting new features to add that we still didn't think. Here are some of our next steps:

Instance Metadata

Port your Cloud9 experience to your local machine and leverage AWS instance metadata service on your local development environment. It will be the same as developing in the cloud.

Supporting Azure AD and AWS SSO

Cloud identity providers reduce the hassle of managing your company identities, so we plan to support all the major cloud providers, starting with AWS SSO and Azure Active Directory.

To sum up

We are excited to launch our free and open-source product, and we hope to help cloud developers and DevOps achieve a better working experience without compromising on security and quality.

Thanks for your time and enjoy Leapp!